June 6, 2022

BE NOLA: Supporting Black Educators to Build a Thriving Community

"Black Education For New Orleans (BE NOLA) is on a mission to ensure high-quality education for Black children in New Orleans by supporting Black educators and education leaders.

“New Orleans is a city which continues to have an outsized influence on education nationally,” said Adrinda Kelly, BE NOLA’s founding CEO and executive director. “New Orleans continues to be the poster child for school choice but the truth is that our 100% charter system is not working for most Black children and families. “Today, white and economically advantaged children disproportionately occupy the city’s highest quality schools and less than one-third of Black fourth graders are reading on grade level in a city reeling from rapid gentrification, lack of economic opportunity, high rates of juvenile crime, and cultural disruption and commodification.”

Kelly was recently recognized as a Luminary by The 1954 Project, a Black-led education philanthropy initiative to fund diverse leaders. In this Q&A, Kelly discusses BE NOLA’s essential work in the Crescent City and the role of donors in advancing equity through education."

Click here to read the full article.



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